Einladung zum Kolloquium

Dear all,

Prof. Dr. Teresa McCormack will give a virtual talk at the CogSci Colloquium on Thursday, June 16th, at 12:15 (CEST).

Title: Counterfactual thought and temporal perspective taking in children

Abstract: One reason for being interested as a developmental psychologist in counterfactual thinking is that intuitively there seems to be some link between concepts of time and counterfactual thinking. In this talk, I will make a distinction between counterfactual thought that does or does not require temporal perspective taking, and link the former type of counterfactual thinking to children’s emerging time concepts. On this view, for example, experiencing the counterfactual emotion of regret involves a type of temporal perspective taking and hence a concept of time that must share some key features with a mature notion of time. Thus, for example, we would not expect animals or very young children to be able to experience regret. I will also consider the developmental origins of this type of thinking, and put forward a speculative proposal that sees those origins as inherently social in nature.Prof. McCormack agreed to have few single/small-group meetings after her talk. If you are interested in meeting with her to discuss your own or her research, please register by June 9 by sending an e-mail to Lydia Schidelko (lydiapaulin.schidelko@uni-goettingen.de).The talk will be held online, via Zoom:


Meeting ID: 645 2785 0688
Passcode: 671609

Best wishes,


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