Einladung zum Vortrag

Dear all,

Prof. Dr. Ayhan Aksu-Koç (Boğaziçi University, Turkey) will give a virtual talk at the CogSci Colloquium on Thursday, March 24, at 12:15 (CET).

Title: Learning through Language: Acquisition of Evidentials in Turkish

Abstract: Children learn from others and through their active experiences with the world. Languages differ in how they direct children’s attention, using lexical and/or grammatical indicators of where knowledge comes from and how reliable and generalizable it is. Turkish, a morphologically rich language, marks a grammaticized distinction between direct vs. indirect modes of knowledge acquisition or ‘evidentiality’, and offers an ‘epistemic’ marker indicating knowledge generalizability in its verb inflectional system. The present talk will summarize our research on the developmental trajectory of evidentiality in Turkish, and our explorations of related achievements in the cognitive domain, such as Theory of Mind, source monitoring, and knowledge reliability and generalizability.

Prof. Aksu-Koç nicely agreed to have few single/small-group meetings after her talk. If you are interested in meeting with her to discuss your own or her research, please register until next Thursday (March 17) by sending an e-mail to me (feridenur.haskaracakizilay@uni-goettingen.de).

The talk will be held online, via Zoom: https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/j/96053956047?pwd=UzdmTDYyOFJ3ZklYL3dpczlzT25MZz09

Meeting ID: 960 5395 6047
Passcode: 599038

Best wishes,
Feride Nur Haskaraca Kızılay
PhD Candidate
Department of Cognitive Developmental Psychology

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