Einladung zum Vortrag

Dear All,

we invite you to a lecture on Thursday, February 16th, 2023 at 10 AM (c.t.), jointly organized by the Leibniz ScienceCampus and the SFB 1528 Cognition of Interaction

Oliver Tüscher (University Medical Center Main and Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research)

Neurobiological candidate mechanisms for resilience – goal directed behaviour under stress

The ability to control our behavior is fundamental to individual and social functioning as well as for our resilience to adversity. Acting in accord with long-term goals requires control of interfering stimuli and impulses, the success of which depends on the several different processes. Over the last decade, we have empirically established a behavioral/cognitive component model of cognitive interference control and, using multimodal imaging and neurophysiological methods, described the neural networks primarily of response-related interference. Recently, we could reliably reveal that response inhibition is initiated by the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) implemented by beta-band oscillations using spatially high-resolved electrophysiological source localization. Furthermore, emotional strain on response interference control is both, integrated within the IFG and functionally segregated among three subregions of the IFG. IFG activity is related to resilience and, intriguingly, better performance in emotional interference control predicts resilience longitudinally. These mechanistic insights pave the way for physiologically informed and precise interventions in real world social environments.

The lecture will be held in the Michael-Lankeit-Hörsaal at the German Primate Center, Kellnerweg 4.

With best regards

Christian Schloegl

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