Einladung zum Kolloquium

Dear all,
Dr. Danielle Matthews (from the University of Sheffield) will give a virtual talk at the CogSci Colloquium on Thursday, April 22, at 12:15.
Title: From prelinguistic communication to word use in typically-hearing and deaf infants
Abstract: Around the end of the first year, infants make the transition from prelinguistic communication (babble, gesture, often coordinated with eye contact) to word use. I will present a series of studies that have 1) measured which individual differences are the most valuable predictors of this transition  2)  compared typically-hearing infants with deaf infants whose parents have little prior deaf awareness and 3) tested if it is possible – and acceptable – to promote learning. Together these studies reveal the important role of the social environment in learning to talk and suggest ways we can support development.
Dr. Matthews agreed to have few single/small-group meetings after the talk. If you are interested in meeting Dr. Matthews in order to discuss your own or her research, please register until Thursday next week (April 15) by sending an e-mail to Natalie Bleijlevens (natalie.bleijlevens@uni-goettingen.de).
The talk (& the meetings afterwards) will be held online, via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 964 6807 6697
Passcode: 120822
Best wishes,