„Registered Reports“-Session am 03.12., 16.15 Uhr
Am Dienstag, 03. Dezember lädt die Göttingen Open Source & Science Initiative of Psychology (GOSSIP) zu einer Session zum Thema “Registered Reports” ein. Die Session findet ab 16.15 Uhr in Raum 1.110 statt. Es soll zunächst darum gehen, über das vergleichsweise neue Publikationsformat zu informieren und dabei mit einigen verbreiteten „Mythen“ aufzuräumen. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen. Veranstaltungssprache ist Englisch.
Registered reports have been praised by the scientific community as a powerful tool to increase the quality and credibility of research. More and more journals have started to introduce them as a publishing format for both original research and replication studies. Here, authors submit their research plan for peer review before data collection. In case of a positive evaluation, the editor grants conditional acceptance for publication prior to data collection and, hence, accepts the paper independent of the actual results. In this session, we want to promote registered reports as a potential publishing format for early career researchers (late-stage Master students, PhDs) and discuss the challenges and possibilities of registered reports. We also invite researchers more experienced with the traditional publication process who are interested in writing or supervising a registered report (Post-Docs, PIs, Professors). We will start with an introduction of registered reports and address some common „myths”. Julia Stern and Thomas Schultze-Gerlach will report their own experiences with registered reports as authors and editors. Finally, we will discuss the feasibility of making registered report part of your own research.