Program & final registration: „Open Science in Psychology: A reality check“

What is the current state of Open Science in our department and in psychology more broadly? How widely are Open Science practices adopted, and where do challenges remain? To explore these questions, together with the Open Science Meet-Up (OSMU) Göttingen, the Göttingen Open Source and Science Initiative of Psychology (GOSSIP) invites you to “Open Science in Psychology: A reality check” on 24 March 2025 from 1PM to 4PM in room 1.110 in the Georg-Elias-Müller-Institut für Psychologie (Goßlerstr. 14). To register use this link:

Open Science in Psychology: A reality check

Several aspects of Open Science have become common practice in Psychology, ranging from preregistration of studies to sharing preprints and FAIR data and code. Many of these practices are accessible and achievable at the individual and group level. However, there are also some pain points and challenges such as the additional effort and time that are needed to implement them. Some practices might be even controversial and less well regarded.

Therefore, this session aims at a reality check. We would like to explore and discuss with you what already works well, what is less established but would be worth to be adopted more broadly or could/should be discarded or revised. Moreover, what barriers or disincentives from the academic environment can we identify and how could these be overcome? In particular, we would like to discuss what counts for research careers and what might be consequences for the current debate on reforming research assessment.

As part of this session, we want to discuss the current status of GOSSIP and talk about achievements and challenges concerning Open Science in psychology. We invite you to a discussion about the current status of Open Science in our department and in Psychology more broadly.


13.00 – 13.15 Welcome & Round of introductions

13.15 – 14.00 Short presentations

  • Open Science Meet-Up – Birgit Schmidt, SUB Göttingen
  • Quo vadis GOSSIP? – Christian Treffenstädt, Institute of Psychology
  • Open Science in Psychology: Achievements and Challenges – Laura Botzet, Institute of Psychology

14.00 – 14.15 Break

14.15 – 15.15 Show & Tell

  • Insights and Challenges of the First Preregistration – Simon Sina, Institute of Psychology
  • Large Data Collections and Project Specific Preregistrations – Sabine Ostermann, Institute of Psychology
  • Showcase for Variable Sampling Plans – Jeannette Benstein & Lukas Dorsch, Institute of Psychology
  • A Minimal Approach to Research Data Management – Johannes Rollwage, Institute of Psychology
  • Too Sensitive to Share? Creating Synthetic Datasets with R in 5 Minutes – Laura Botzet, Institute of Psychology
  • Affiliation Policy – SUB Göttingen

15.15 – 15.45 Discussion

15.45 – 16.00 Summary, updates & what’s next

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