Looking for Master’s thesis or ‘Doktorarbeit’ Student


At the NBS Lab in the Dept. of Neurology in the UMG, we are investigating the effects of combining motor-cognitive task training and different non-invasive brain stimulations on multi-tasking performance in the healthy elderly. This study will also provide a comprehensive comparison of these technologies in the fields of cognition, behavior, as well as multi-tasking in the elderly. For our study, we are looking for engaged and motivated students.

Your key attributes/skills should include:
-fluent in German
-organized and punctual
-able to work in a team

Application deadline: Mid OF January
Start time of project: Late of January.

This position is available for a student to do their master’s thesis or medical PhD thesis as part of this project.

If you are interested, please contact the responsible HR manager (preferred) and attach your CV and transcripts:
Mr. Edris Noori: edris.noori@med.uni-goettingen.de

OR the study leader (PhD Student):
Mr. Yong Jiang: Yong.jiang@med.uni-goettingen.de

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