Einladung zum Kolliquium

Dear all,
Please find below the invitation to the lecture series of the SFB 1528 (Cognition of Interaction).

We cordially invite you to the upcoming SFB 1528 Colloquium on Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 3 PM in the Large Seminar Room at the Conference Center at the Historical Observatory (Geismar Landstraße 11b):

Michael Gaebler (MPI for Human and Cognitive Brain Sciences)

Heart-brain interactions and their link to (socio-)emotional processing

Brain-body coupling not only maintains life but also shapes our mental and particularly affective states. I will present a set of studies in which we analyzed heart rate and its variability also in relation to the EEG signal in order to link brain-heart coupling to (socio-)emotional processing.

If you would like to meet with Michael during his visit on Thursday and/or would like to join dinner, please contact Christian Schloegl (cschloegl@dpz.eu) until next Wednesday, June 26, so that he can arrange a schedule.

Thank you very much and have a nice weekend!


Dr. Christian Schloegl

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