Studienteilnehmer*innen gesucht (keine Pb-Stunden)

Es werden Teilnehmer*innen gesucht für eine Studie zur mentalen Gesundheit von Studierenden:

Infos zur Studie:

The UNIversity students’s LIFEstyle behaviors and Mental health cohort (UNILIFE-M): Study protocol of an multicenter, prospective cohort study

Abstract: College years are a period of transition from adolescence to adulthood. During this period, there is a marked shift in multiple lifestyle behaviors, including increased time spent in sedentary behavior and physical inactivity, poorer dietary habits, sleep quality, and increased substance use. Further, this period coincides with the range and peak age at onset for multiple mental health problems and disorders. Evidence supports the role of lifestyle behaviors on incident mental health problems. However, the extant evidence focuses on a single lifestyle behavior, includes a single time point (cross-sectional), is restricted in cultural representativeness, and focuses on a limited set of mental health problems. The present project will investigate the associations of lifestyle behaviors and mental health problems trajectories in university students from 25 countries over five continents during their college years. The study will gather self-reported data, using an online survey, on lifestyle (diet, physical activity, substance use, stress management, social support, restorative sleep, and screen exposure), mental health problems (symptoms of depression, anxiety, mania, sleep problems, substance abuse, inattention/hyperactivity, and obsessive/compulsive thoughts/behaviors),  over a 3.5 years period. Participants (300 per center) will be assessed at baseline, at the university admission in the 2023 academic year, and followed up for 1, 2, and 3.5 years. The study portrays a unique opportunity to comprehensively understand how multiple lifestyle behavior trajectories relate to the trajectories of a wide range of mental health problems in a large international cohort.


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