Participant for EEG study of visual attention task

Participant for EEG study of visual attention task

We are searching participants for a study on visual attention. The study involves an easy visual search task on a computer screen. While you are working on the task, we record brain activity by using EEG. For this purpose you will have to wear an EEG cap during the experiment. By tracing your brain activity with the EEG we want to find out how your attention changes during the task.

You can participate if you want to support science and receive a small amount of extra money.

We are searching for people who…

  • Have normal or corrected sight (glasses, contact lenses, …)
  • Have no history with neurological or current mental disorders (Migraine, Epilepsy, …)
  • Are able to attend on two different sessions on two different days

Payment of attendance is 8 Euros per hour. You will get your money after you have completed the 2nd session.

Where & When:
The study takes place at the German Primate Center (Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 7, 37077 Göttingen). We will arrange a date for each session when you send an email. Each session will take about 1 hours.

If you are interested you can send an email to:


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