Einladung zum Kolloquium

Dear all,

This is just a reminder for the SFB 1528 Colloquium on Thursday, July 4, at 3 pm in the Large Seminar Room at the Conference Center at the Historical Observatory/Sternwarte (Geismar Landstraße 11b).

Michael Gaebler from the MPI for Human and Cognitive Brain Sciences will talk about heart-brain interactions and their link to (socio-)emotional processing:
„Brain-body coupling not only maintains life but also shapes our mental and particularly affective states. I will present a set of studies in which we analyzed heart rate and its variability also in relation to the EEG signal in order to link brain-heart coupling to (socio-)emotional processing.“

We hope to see many of you there!
Best, Anna

Dr. Anna Fischer
Department for Cognition, Emotion and Behavior

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