Einladung zum Kolloquium

Dear all,

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Jan Engelmann (UC Berkeley) will give a talk at the joint RTG 2070 & CogSci Colloquium on December 18th.

Title: Studying Cognitive Development in Social Context: Belief Formation, Metacognition, Reason-Giving.
Time: 3.30 pm (Monday, Dec. 18th )
Venue : room 2.111 Waldweg 26

Dr. Jan Engelmann agreed to have few single/small-group meetings after his talk. If you are interested in meeting with him to discuss your own or his research, please register until Monday (Dec. 11) by sending an e-mail to me (saba.amirhaftehran@uni-goettingen.de).

If there is an abstract, we will send it later.

Best regards


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