Master of Science „Movement and Wellbeing“ in Mainz

„Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Since 2018, we have established a unique international and interdisciplinary degree program at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, which focuses on the interplay between movement and well-being: the Master of Science „Movement and Wellbeing“.


Starting in the summer semester of 2022, we are now opening this program also to graduates of Bachelor’s programs with a focus on social sciences, health sciences, life sciences and similar programs (see „How to apply for this Master’s program“). Together with the bachelor’s degrees in sports science that are already open for admission, our student body will thus become more diverse and interdisciplinary – in line with the Gutenberg spirit of our university „moving minds, crossing boundaries“.

This degree program offers students a wide range of opportunities to develop, discuss and scientifically examine various ways of achieving well-being. In an up to now unique way, concepts from psychology and nutritional science are combined with Far Eastern methods such as Ayurveda and yoga as well as Chinese medicine and Qigong, in addition to findings from sports and neuroscience.

We would appreciate it if you would make your students aware of the Movement and Wellbeing program by forwarding this email.

With kind regards, on behalf of the study course directors

Dr. Hendrik Beckmann
Study course coordinator „Movement and Wellbeing (M.Sc.)“

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